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Laboratory Animal Science – Basic Course Main Focus: Mice/Rats

as per TierSchVersV

Kurs-Nr.: BK-K18-13

Datum: 13. – 15.11.2018

Happy Worm: 1.155,00 € (zzgl. 19 % MwSt. = 1.374,45 € brutto)
Weitere Details finden Sie in der Kursinformation rechts.

The course topics are communicated in e-learning sessions and classroom lectures (40 course hours).
It is absolutely mandatory to successfully complete all e-learning units in order to be able to participate in the classroom lecture.
E-learning is activated 6 weeks prior to the commencement of the classroom lecture; appropriate access information is provided to the participants in due time.
An written evaluation test on both parts of the course is conducted at the end of the classroom lecture.

  • Ziel des Kurses

    to gain the required expertise and skills for taking part in animal experiments

  • Ihr Kursleiter

    Prof. Dr. Stephanie Krämer

  • Kursinhalt
    • Introduction to laboratory animal science
    • Applicable laws, ethics, animal protection and the three R‘s principle
    • Estimation and appreciation of strain and distress, humane end points
    • Fundamentals of care, keeping and feeding of laboratory animals, breed and genetics, diseases and hygiene
    • Fundamentals of test planning, statistics and standardisation of animal tests, alternative and supplementary methods
    • Main focus on laboratory animals mice/rats: Anatomy, biology, physiology, handling, application and sample collection, anaesthesia, analgesia, surgical procedures, humane method of killing
  • Kursinformationen


    13. – 15.11.2018
    e-learning: activated from Oktober 1st, 2018
    (6 weeks before the classroom lecture begins)
    Classroom lecture: November 13th-15th, 2018
    Tue. 11 a.m.–7 p.m., Wed. 9 a.m.–7 p.m., Thu. 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

    (bis 17.08.2018)

    1.050,00 €
    (zzgl. 19 % MwSt. = 1.249,50 € brutto)

    (ab 18.08.2018)

    1.155,00 €
    (zzgl. 19 % MwSt. = 1.374,45 € brutto)


    The price includes access to e-learning, participation in the classroom lecture, refreshments incl. lunch and beverages, as well as materials for practical exercises.


    Seminarzentrum berliner fortbildungen
    Heerstraße 18-20, 14052 Berlin

  • Zielgruppe/Teilnehmervoraussetzungen

    This course is addressed to persons who would like to gain the required expertise and skills for taking part in animal experiments.
    Please contact your responsible authority in advance if this course is suitable for you and if it will be approved.